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Saturday, May 4, 2013

On writing and stuff

If I'm to begin writing for real, it would be wise to settle down and determine which style would best fit the content. Cormack McCarthy, one of my favorite authors, changes his technique from book to book. For example, "The Road" is written in a bare bones, stark style that gives you what is needed and nothing more, allowing for a quick, satisfying read, whereas his "Blood Meridian" provides complex sentence structure, vocabulary contemporary with the time period and drastic in nature, all very compelling to me, off-putting to many. As the saying goes  - different strokes. To me, the most important keys to a good story include interesting character identification and compelling tale. Clever narrative alone rarely holds the reader for the long haul. Even occasional dialog helps flesh out characters. First person writing is the easiest to compose, also easiest to compose poorly. First person usually gives away the fate of the teller. Of course, what you tell is as important as how you tell it. Nothing beats a good story. I could go on, but I'm thoroughly bored with this whole line. Before I exit this string, I need remind you that I barely finished high school and walked out on the first day of my only junior college class, composition, after the teacher spent 45 minutes explaining the horrors of plagiarism. I'd had enough, reminding him that we now knew nothing about writing and everything about fear and apprehension. I told him I didn't think any student taking his class had any intention to plagiarize but that now, after his rant and warning, likely many were vexed with the fear that they might without knowing, thus being burned at the metaphorical stake for their evil transgression into the underworld of copiers, cheaters and word stealer's. He gaped and I exited. So, don't listen to me, I don't know s***. I can tell you one thing for certain, despite my ignorance : I've never copied someones writing. Why not? I've never found anybody demented enough to write like I think. If I ever do, I hope he's old and slow because I can only escape at 6.4 mph!

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