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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Home sick

 I leave tomorrow to go back to Texas.

It's strange to be home but still feel home sick.
It's been so wonderful being home with family and friends and so there is an expected yearning to come back home to stay.
And then there is the home sick feeling for my 
Texas Family.
My kids and grands, my work friends.
I wonder what they are doing every day and what I am missing there.

Then there is the feeling of leaving Tracy behind physically and emotionally.

All this makes me realize even more clearly that it's not where you are-
 it really is where your heart is.
I am homesick for the life I loved before ALS 
but I have no time machine.

So I do my best to look forward not back.
To create instead of recreate.
To be inspired but not live in memories.

Here is to the next adventure
which has been renamed an
"Add Boettcher".