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Thursday, May 23, 2013

News after nonsense

A is for apple, angst, anxiety, animosity, amish, absynthe (which purportedly makes the heart grow fonder if you spell it right, which I didn't), abolitionist (which, contrary to popular opinion refers to those bent on getting rid of anything, not just slavery (which makes little sense since you can't really box up slavery and ship it off to Canada or Jakarta. If you boxed up slaves and carted them off they would still be slaves, albeit dead ones, of little use to Canadians or Jakartains. On the other hand, if you look at it logically, which I apparently have not, abolishing slavery makes perfect sense, quite unlike my explanation of and to the contrary), aardvark (quite an unfortunate name for any animal). I need not continue.

The more important issue is anything other than the crap above, which would include my health today as compared to yesterday and the day before. Since I last posted I have extended my freestanding time to three minutes and am now able to sit forward without assistance, something impossible for the last year. I have absolutely no problem drinking anything ; drank 72 ounces of water yesterday. Eating virtually anything is easy and delightful. I am actually reversing many ALS symptoms. Don't get me wrong, I still can't talk worth a darn or use my arms or walk. I simply plan to chop away at my deficiencies one by one as far as it takes me.

For those of you I hope to see in August, expect nothing less than a long haired hippy type wearing a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, flip flops, Oakleys, a stupid hat, a tan and a priceless shit eating grin, driving my Permobil with my head.
      I won't be able to speak much, (I wasn't much good at talking last year) but I'm a good listener and can nod my head with reckless abandon. No, I don't use a catheter, wear Depends or require oxygen, (for those of you wondering).

Finally, I am able to say I'm getting better.


  1. wwhwhwwwhhhoooooo...yyyiiiiippppiiiieiieieie...yyyaahhhoooo!!! The best part is the change of attitude and mood. He is joyful and his "sick" sense of humor is back full tilt. Not sure if that is good or bad for us!! ahahahaha.a.a..a
    I must go now and find a bigger whip to crack cause we are gonna get crackin' on the massage and exercise portion of this program!!

  2. I am just soooo tickled! The sense of humor always was sick, but it's really reassuring to hear the attitude has improved. There is nothing worse than a jokester with a poopy attitude. That has "Up to No Good" written all over it.

  3. It is probably the sick sense of humor that is driving the healing process. Keep up the bad taste.
