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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A strange world

Just because I have ALS does not mean I am unaware of the world at large. I stay abreast (I think that's the first time I used the word, not to say I've never thought of abreast -or two) of the news, sports and occasionally the weather. I don't usually post about anything relevant so it may be considered that I don't know anything relevant (which, in some circles is considered accurate). As a for instance, I find it silly that gun control is even labeled as such. Everybody knows that guns never misbehave! You don't chain up your car to prevent it from running off! You don't lock your closet to keep your clothes in check, you don't pull the plug on your chain saw so it can't play havoc in the chicken coop! It should be called people control (with guns). Okay, that's stupider than it is accurate. The simple truth is that the cat was never in the bag in the first place when it comes to gun ownership. The 2nd amendment has no real bearing on the subject. Guns in the hands of citizens has been a way of life for a couple hundred years under the stars and stripes. Gun control can only work if we can limit the number of guns circulating throughout the populace, and we all know that donkey done left the barnyard. This is not to say that no regulation is the only good regulation. If the population can live with the high rate of violence attributed to guns here in the United States, then keep things the way they are. If the population elects politicians who want to tighten restrictions, so be it. In my opinion, we are so saturated with guns that there is no solution in sight, especially with so many seeing no problem to begin with.           


  1. I hear people say that they don't keep in touch or come over because "I don't know what to say" or "I don't want to talk about your sickness", to which I say "I ddon't want to talk about my illness or any of your illnesses either for that matter"

  2. if it wasnt guns, it would be knives or something else. the tool doesnt kill, a 'tool' does!

  3. Well said Dennis. Taking away the guns from law abiding citizens just winds up leaving them easy prey for all the ignorant people that haven't figured out a better way to resolve their issues. BTW......I can guarantee THEIR guns weren't purchased by any tracable avenues!
