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Monday, August 8, 2011

Getting on the wagon

What causes ALS? Guesses abound, answers are non-existent. What cures ALS? Guesses abound, answers are non-existent. Maybe.
With any disease known to man, we become aware of exceptional circumstances. In some cases the cure comes as a spontaneous event. Obviously, no event is really spontaneous, so by the lay of the term, a precursor to the cure had to have led to the occurrence. Basically, SOMETHING had to happen for the disease to go bye bye.
Consider me a skeptic. I'll likely say no and then defend my position by berating the thought. No to this, no to that............................. no to most everything. Well, I'm still skeptical, but I am also learning that the answers to my questions cannot be found inside my periphery. Imagine all the remedies that "help" slow or stop or reverse ALS. None of them work. Believe me. None- individually. Any combination may help. Some combinations should help, and out there in the universe of hopeful remedies lies the combination that WILL work. For me. Not for the ALS guy in room 12. Just me. So I travel this road, I pick up some herbs, I collect broccoli, I read a Krishnamurti pamphlet, I explore my childhood- before conception, after-, I meditate, I pray, I attempt to draw energy from the masses, I pound the vitamins and I continue to search for that ever elusive answer.
Have no doubt, this is a race, and I have recently been proven a slow starter, bogged down by skepticism-, but no more, say I. I am releasing the encumberment of my doubt, my negative attitude, my limitless pessimism. I've always had my own agenda- in life, with family, regarding my health............................ I need to and I intend to release these harnesses and will lift every stone, open every door and explore every possibility I can discover to out run ALS. Keep in mind I will continue to force my way forward and strive for the enlightenment I must have. I know that those who say we are on the road to death from our birth are wrong. The cup is full no matter how little fluid remains. I am in a position where I have been told the likely cause of by death, and when I can expect it. I know better. My cup is full- it just has a little hole in it. Now......... I need only find the proper combinations of changes and enhancements, the proper mentality, the proper balance of mind and body- to fill that little hole.


  1. "My cup is full- it just has a little hole in it."

    Love that. Glad to hear it, Dad, this is good news for everyone.


  2. Tracy, I am loving' your attitude. Go get 'em!

  3. Dad,
    I'm proud of your determination to be more positive- not an easy decision considering the circumstances. I love you and I'll be home soon to help you beat the crap out of the negativity! 15 days!

  4. Your mind has doubts but your HEART knows the truth....I love that.
