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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm serious as a heart attack

WOW! I really tried to cook my goose last weekend. ALS as the pre-existing king of ills, a real heart attack- knocking me down for over 8 hours before I declared to Amy: " something's broken"-, a slew of blood clots, big and small, in both lungs, a large clot running flow control from the back of my right knee and the discovery that due to my relatively sedentary lifestyle I not only brought these complications upon myself but managed to allow diabetes to raise it's ugly head from my family genetics and bite me on the ass. What an enlightening few days.

Despite all that has occurred, I am now back at my computer at  home, relatively unscathed, having exited the hospital yesterday afternoon, loaded with drugs and syringes, a walker and a pile of instructions as to how I administer these products, what I should eat, how I may behave and when I visit my doctor. I find it curious and somewhat saddening that when I was diagnosed with ALS, I went home with nothing more than a sympathetic pat on the back and a casual suggestion that I might want to consider trying a drug called Rilutek, a drug that might help, that might damage my liver and that might make me feel lousy. The last information of that day included a plan to meet with all parties who would help me prepare for my trip down the  road to the end as they helped me to be as comfortable as possible, essentially tucking me in for a long, long nap. A heart attack, treatable, is a match made in heaven for hospital staff and physicians. My chart included my pre-existing ALS, though it had no impact on the immediate problem, and as a result the only conversation of such was initiated by me. Repeatedly, I had to explain to nurses, physical therapists and others the particulars of my REAL problem. Though I sound negative, I will say that my experience at Methodist Hospital was positive. I would rate the weekend at 31/2 stars.

I plan to tell all about my hospital stay, the first in my life other than the emergency room (an area I am all too familiar with), but for now, I must prepare for a road trip to look at a van with a chair lift. I'll be back soon. For you locals, I will be searching for help to build ramps out my back door. I'd do it myself, but I have this little problem......................


  1. You've been in my thoughts a lot this past handful of days. I'm glad to hear you're back home.

  2. Hey man,good to see you are back at it. 3 1/2 stars is better than some of my hotel stays! at least the nurses were better looking than most hotel clerks??? you know to call me whenever you need anything!!!

  3. I may not be the best builder, but if you need help drop me a line and Jonathon and I will help out.


  4. I bet the fare at your home is alot better than what I saw on your tray. Ewwww!! That soup was scary looking. We are really glad you are home safe and sound.

  5. We are in to help build the ramp. Just let us know when! Good luck with the van. Keep us posted. Big prayers still coming your and always!
    Love you,
    Lis & Daren :)
