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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Back at it

I've been a bad boy, what with leaving y'all wondering if that kiss Amy left me was the kiss of death. Again, I jest. I'm always jesting or I'm not. Sometimes I haven't a clue. 

I have some good news. We bought a used van equipped with a hydraulic side door lift that allows me to venture seamlessly into the world outside of my home. Transferring from chair to car seat is proving to be more difficult these days. I know I can still- barely- manage stairs, though only through necessity, but pivoting into a car or climbing into a van is even more difficult. Now I can remain in my power chair and get around on my own steam, leaving Amy to run behind in a panic. No longer must she push my chair, giving her more energy to push me in a plethora of other ways.. There is only so much she can do, so much I can take; My limit, unfortunately, being less than hers. On that matter, truthfully, she never fails to put me first, whether it be to test traffic at a busy intersection or to help me up out of a chair or to look me in the eye and bolster my confidence with continual positive thoughts. I can read her like a book, and while some of her reads with difficulty, much of her dialog runs long and her narrative crosses into realms beyond my comprehension, I continue to read her knowing it is all good and all driven by her heart. I oftentimes fight her, her ideology, her hopefulness and her eagerness, but in the end,  I haven't a leg to stand on- actually, neither leg is much good these days- and I am sure in time I will open my mind to her way. If you know her- really know her- then you have no doubt that my life could not be in better hands. If you don't know her, then realize it is your loss. I can be impossible to deal with these days, ALS being no excuse, and Amy will take the salvos and give as good as she gets, always, always with my mental and physical well being in mind. Without her I would have nobody to bitch at- and if you're thinking Rachel would take her place, let it be known that Rachel don't take s*** from nobody. If you know Rachel- really know her- you know what I'm talking about. If you don't know her it is your loss.