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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Stress? What stress?

As is generally accepted, stress is a killer. It destroys motivation, happiness, marriages, relationships with our families, our self esteem, our bodies. Stress is an internal conflagration that can drive a person to any of a number of calamities. Stress is also a part of life. Likely, and paradoxically to my above statement, in some form, stress promotes motivation. I suspect the lack of ALL stress eliminates ALL motivation. A radical view, I know, but one worth considering. I'd imagine all stress is gone when you die. It's the getting there that proves so daunting. Don't misinterpret. While I don't fear dying, I certainly plan to avoid such a conclusion as a remedy for ANYTHING.
I've mentioned before that some believe stress in my life has played a part in putting me where I presently find myself. While I can agree to a point, I beg to respond that of all the human creatures on this planet, my stress level has to be very low on average. I have a wife who is more to me than the sum of relationships concocted on this Earth. My children and grandchildren are beyond amazing, my friends are more numerous than I imagined: In a nutshell, I have lived a charmed life. I intend to continue to do so. While stress has played a part in my life, the rewards heaped upon me far outweigh the sacrifices others have said I've borne. So don't believe for one second stress gave me ALS: it may have played a small part, but I can't credit any cause that deserves little.
A new development: I absorb salvos thrown at me, armed with good intentions, and I find their frequency has increased as of late. I also find myself taking the hits without retaliation because I have come to realize that those firing the shots sometimes are more damaged than I. They cannot help themselves, and they truly believe what they say has merit, but they are ignorant of my own views. They make suppositions without information. From me. How do I think? What is appropriate? What should I believe and who's dictating such? Don't expect me to forage in the realm of God too deeply here. That is a conversation best made with two parties. Don't underestimate, however, how much I think about the subject. I can say I experience no stress at all when pondering my considerations. This is for sure. I have no guilt or fear here. I have no choice, which can also be perceived as I have no need to choose. I have my structures, though. I will say, in that world, judgment should be the ultimate sin. I would never sit in judgment over my children and I believe no father should. No father. Worth repeating.
I believe in the power of numbers. A million Chinese beat a hundred Marines every time. If ALS has an army of a billion, it is still defeatable. Recently, I've had conversation concerning the definition, use and value of energy. We all, hopefully, know the definition of potential energy. Maybe less universally known yet more important to conceptual reasoning is that energy exists everywhere. In it's basest form, energy can be described as everything. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. When a plant dies, the energy continues to exist. I believe it to be a very complex consideration that energy can be directed outside the body. I want to think that based on some scatter shot evidence that a collection of efforts toward a single cause, (in this case, me, thank you very much) can affect change. Call it prayer for some, meditation for others, a crossing of the eyes and scrunching of the forehead for still others, for likely the energy projected is blind to belief, motivation or prejudice. It happens because it does or it doesn't because it doesn't. Complex thought, simple conclusion. Because we don't really know, we really try. Why not? Why limit any help to that which falls under a particular belief system. Just throw it out there without hesitation and without strings attached. Don't suppose conditions. Don't impose conditions upon me. Just do it. I'll take all the help I can get.


  1. Great post. So when are you coming out to Reno? Bring the crew so we can tear up this town!!!!

  2. you saw how stress relieving coming to my class was! you know you have an open invitation,come and we can work on your mindset Master Boettcher.I 'personally' do not think 'stress' had anything to do with your situation,Dennis
