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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A brief interjection

This morning I prepare to face an unwanted reality. Sometime between 9 and 10:30am, a representative from a care giving company called Doors will interview me in order to determine my state of need. I assume questions such as: can you put on your own pants, socks, shoes, can you prepare your own food, can you feed yourself, are stairs difficult, have you altered your bathroom routine, etc. all of which I can manage only with difficulty. This interview will establish the amount of time I might be allotted a care giver to help  me. My first concern is that they ask me to demonstrate my deficiencies and my secondary concern is that the state of Illinois has any money to pay for the care. I hate to qualify for any need based program. Sucks.


  1. Tracy, I am sooo sorry. I'll be thinking about you. As a matter of fact, you are probably concluding your interview as I type.

  2. you are the bravest person I will ever know

  3. nobody wants the type of meeting you must go if I can help!

  4. I hate this for you, too - thinking about you.
