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Monday, February 20, 2012

Up early- again

If it is the perception of the subconscious that it has  the functioning of the body under control and a drug is introduced to the system, a war breaks out whereby the intended effect is reversed. Even a fraction of a dosage provides the same result because introduction of any amount is identified and labeled as an adversary. This battle does not necessarily prove that the subconscious mind is healthy. Since the only interpretations of the subconscious are literal there is no way to compromise or provide a suggestion without it being misunderstood. In my case the subconscious is strong and stubborn. After nearly a year of considering, assessing and obsessing it has become obvious that my brain, thinking it is right, actually clueless, has, according to some, accelerated my disintegration. I have, based upon my personality- the same personality, coupled with my lifestyle, a lifestyle I'm told by some is responsible for my disease- resisted a plethora of cures. I'm not happy enough. I refer to my resistance as a fight, as battle, while I must fill my heart with love and caring. Maybe someone out there killed ALS with kindness. If so, they were able to delude the disease into feeling loved as the knife pierced the heart of Gehrig. Still sounds like war to me.

It is becoming more and more apparent that my aggressive nature is a catalyst for progression. I have traveled down a number of avenues looking for methods to help me cope, hoping they could make me better. Hypnosis has been very helpful in relieving stress. Drugs such as sleep aids and anti depressants, anti anxiety medicine and others have proven useless and dangerous. Lately, as ALS has begun setting up camp in the rest of my body, preparing to hunker down and feed, I have found myself struggling to sleep, struggling to function. I have witnessed changes and diminishing abilities each day. While in a power chair I can appear somewhat normal and healthy, provided I stay in the chair. I cannot raise to a standing position without a helping hand. I can only climb stair with a strap cinched around my waist for Amy to pull up with each step while she cradles my left arm; my right hand actually pulls up on the hand rail- a hand very quickly weakening and twisting- with each step. I can rarely  swing my own legs into bed and  am unable to turn from my back to my side. I am unable to gain purchase in bed because strength is now diminished throughout my body. Amy must brush my teeth. Amy must feed me sometimes. I cannot shower alone because it is dangerous and I do a lousy job. I can't easily bring a coffee cup to my mouth, and if I do manage, the cup cants, I shake too much and sometimes burn my mouth. Often I spill. Suffice it to say that all voluntary ability is fading fast.

I am grateful for all of the support friends and family have offered. It is unimaginable for me to even consider where I'd be if I ere alone. I only wish that this juggernaut within me would slow down. My ability to cope is directly connected to the speed of the disease, and recently my ALS is moving too fast.

I promised to give it to you warts and all.... you said OK. Well, welcome to my wart storm.


  1. Oh my dear son, I love ALL your warts amd I love all your family for being there for you! We were so happy to spend those few days with you. Just don't forget that God is with you always, even if you don't see Him. I felt His presence when we were there and one day you will feel it too! hugs & kisses, Mom

  2. I, for one, welcome your wart storm. That kind of outlet seems therapeutic and necessary; whereas bottling those feelings up and self-censoring your blog seems like the opposite of therapeutic. You and your whole family are always so strong and upbeat when I see you, and I never stop admiring you for that; but there has to be some sort of outlet for your frustrations and worries. I'm really glad I was able to see you last weekend before you move, and I'll be thinking of you when you hit the road. I'll keep following the blog, and I'll bring an umbrella to my computer in case I encounter any more wart storms.

    1. ahahaha.a.a.a. Bri- LOVE the visual of a wart storm umbrella! We thank all of you brave souls that are willing to weather the storm with us.

  3. Okay Tracy- you started it!!! The public will notice that I rarely comment publicly because for all my talking I like to keep my personal life...well, personal. But-you mentioned hypnosis so...gloves off!! You mention that your mind is so strong that your subconscious rejects even the strongest drugs. Your mind tells your body what to do. Fear promotes anxiety= symptoms of ALS.
    Love= peace of mind...and there for body. Everyone let Tracy know how loved he is so he can be overwhelmed with peace and joy. I don't know anyone who has O.D.ed on peace. We love you.

  4. well I wish I could agree with those that tell you your 'lifestyle' caused or has promoted your disease.I do not. if peace and love could heal anything,we would not need medicine or doctors or cannot. it can HELP with your overall well being though. I will NOT profess to know much about ANYTHING,but I DO know a little how YOUR mind works,it NEVER stops looking for a hole/crack/ in this shit you got stuck with. I do understand the need for EVERYONE to believe in SOMETHING! it is called hope. hope for ourselves,hope for our friends,hope for our kids and their future.look for a balance between hard and soft. I now have said way more than I allow myself,it is YOUR blog,tell it as YOU live it!

  5. I also agree with BQ,call when you need 'another' set of ears,mine are on 24/7,I promise.

  6. Ok Amy........Here goes!!! Tracy, surely you see how many people will always love and support you, even when your down and crotchety(yes, that is a word). Everytime we attend a function with you I'm always waiting for the valet to park the car so that we don't have to walk a mile away to park. I pray that the new house has a commercial parking lot so that you don't tick off the neighbors living next to you. We enjoyed your get together so much this past weekend. Nick and Paige were fantastic as usual. The guy on the harmonica was rockin'! As far as hypnosis goes, I truly believe that it can be an effective tool for stress relief for some people, in addition to meditation. I think it's how you learn to incorporate that "feeling of peace(or center)" throughout the rest of your day that makes those tools work. Myself, I have never been hypnotized so I don't have any personal experience to base that last statement on. I have always been petrified that I would be given some subliminal thought to throw down with a beat box in the middle of Kroger! haha OK, everyone has their phobias. Anyway, we are really going to miss you guys, but at least we know that we will have another destination to visit when we go to see my family in San Antonio. Keep us posted!
