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Monday, February 6, 2012

Prolific by compulsion (or necessity)

If I don't write it is never because I cannot think of anything to write about. If I am allowed an hour or two, at any time- day or night- prepared or not, I can hit the keys knowing something will come of my effort. Many days, I sit to write without a clue as to what I'm going to say, sometimes choosing a title and then producing a piece that has no connection. Usually I change the title; never do I change the content.

Most of my writing style is an amalgam of ripoffs of the writing techniques of real authors. I am about as smooth as rocky road ice cream when I post. I break rules when it suits me and when they escape me. I figure if Cormac McCarthy can blow proper punctuation out of the water, so can I, though he's as eloquent as I am awkward. As far as subject matter is concerned, this blog, for the most part, is intended to give readers some insider view of ALS, a disease of my possession that has, over these months, often put me in the position to explain. If I say "cancer", many ask what kind, whereas if I say ALS, or Lou Gehrig's Disease some ask "what's that?" and finally I might mention Stephen Hawking, to which some query "who's that?", requiring me to bring them up to speed on the disease, thereby making them sad or depressed. There really is no good way to offer up bad news.

A you can see above, I give example one of my many literary blunders- the last paragraph should have been divided in two.  Truth is, I consider my mistakes to be endearing and charming and acceptable for a guy of my meager education. If it bothers you, copy it and make all the necessary corrections and then read it again. I guarantee the message will remain the same. Your version will be a fast ball right down the pipe (easy pickins) while my version is a curve ball skipping off home plate and clocking the ref in the eye (and we both know there ain't nobody goin' hit that!). It's all in the delivery, and I see it that straight shootin' only impresses the assassin with a true site.

So I continue. Most of my posts can be found here, but since I feel a fair amount of responsibility to stay on subject- as depressing as it may be- I am unearthing an older blogsite, one I started a few years ago, giving me the writing release I need when varied subjects come to mind. I might even Lazarus some old project for your reading pleasure.

The site is Randomless Observations

1 comment:

  1. to me writing should have no punctuation or structure,only a have a message,sad and depressing to some,yet hopeful and enlightening to most. worry not about the 'sp.' keep telling your side of it!
