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Friday, February 17, 2012

Slowing a bit- never stopping

For a while I was posting every day- sometimes more than once- primarily because I had the time. Lately, thankfully, I have been getting out of the house more as we take care of required business prior to  moving. I'm happy that my presence is required for certain transactions. Since I can't help sweep dust collections or pack boxes, tote or haul, getting into a bank or store allows me to escape the house- a bit of a prison- to find myself useful.

      Our house doesn't want us to leave. Remember my admission to being obdurate? Well, I believe my house is exhibiting similar traits. Since we've been here 30 years its difficult to determine who gave what to whom. I may have infected the house with my stubborn nature.

Just this week- ironically, on Valentine's Day, evidence of a jilted lover- our garage door operator broke a spring and our water heater went down. The next day, our oft used living room fireplace quit. Both Amy and I are convinced there is a ghost in the system, if not the house. I must admit that leaving this old behemoth will be difficult. The fact that I ascend and descend the stairs every day despite my inability to take two steps on flat ground unassisted is testimony to my connection. If my calculations are accurate, I must navigate the stairs, round trip, ten times before we move. That I can do. Now, if I can just concentrate well enough not to fall.............

Just because my posts have thinned and shortened- half of which can be said of me; I've shortened, definitely not thinned, though- does not mean my material- the whirligigs in my head- has been depleted. Wednesday morning I had a notion to re-write a short fictional story first put to paper in a creative writing class in high school, a story, required as a final, a story I had two weeks to complete- rough draft in a week, finished product a week later- a story I wrote in 45 minutes of class time, turned in, a story I didn't have to finish. I got an A that same class period. I never re-write. Back to Wednesday. So early in the morning, I started the re-write (didn't I just say "I never re-write"?) of a notion put to paper 36 years ago. Three hours later I completed the job, a 2,600 word contraption, swelled over the years, (like me).?

I will post the story on my Randomless Observations blog site- with a warning- there is some coarse language here, also some bigoted, inappropriate homophobia, bad stuff, but understand that you must consider the character and recognize that ALL BAD PEOPLE REALIZE AND RECEIVE THEIR COMEUPPANCE.


  1. It's fiction dad. I wouldn't apologize for properly characterizing an idiot, otherwise we wouldn't know he was an idiot! I love that you're writing more. Keep it up!
    Oh, and I guess I see where I got my study skills!

  2. when I first read it,I actually thought it was a Stephen King! he always has a bad/good-Yin/Yang message.please share more!
