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Monday, October 21, 2013

Cold, hard reality

Lets face facts. My struggles to stay ahead of the debilitating progression of ALS are many. In some ways I'm faring better and these positives find themselves at the forefront of publications and discussions while the less popular and less discussed detriments are ignored.
      My body is continuing to waste away. I can easily identify the two bones in each of my forearms because the muscles are entirely gone and my skin wrinkles and folds like a loose chamois draping curtain rods. My upper arms have withered and slunk below my shoulders, dive bombing to bone, leaving my complex elbow joint to lumber huge and ugly. My legs are putting up a fight, but even so they are losing mass. My thighs are thinning and narrowing as muscle melts. A sway is developing from groin to knee, more prominent on my left leg. My calves are deteriorating and weakening. Despite all of my therapies, no muscle is replacing that which has disappeared. My back and neck and gut is weakened.
      I find it easier to eat lately. I am generally less depressed. My mind remains as sharp as a Tic-Tac. I am happier than a year ago. You figure it out. I'm just in this for the fun.

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