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Thursday, April 26, 2012



It's Amy- NOT Tracy.

As usual I read Tracy's post after most of you had already responded.  You have probably noticed that like most of you I read his blog religiously but comment rarely.  This is due in part because half the time for some reason known only to the cyber gods my comments are sent off to oblivion instead of his comment section and sometimes I just have no words as I sit in awe of my magnificent maniac man.

Up until now Tracy has had free reign to write what he wishes as the words flow from his noodle on to this world wide billboard.  That is not to say I haven't given him what for on more than a few occasions for what I would consider an over share.  I have also cringed at his vivid and sometimes grizzly detailed accounting of this adventure of ALS with warnings of scaring his readership away.

The moment I read that he was considering closing his blog due to some minor little detail like his hands won't work or that he couldn't respond to comments in a timely fashion I instantly (in my very laid back way) told him that was absolutely ridiculous and what he does is too important to too many people (including us) to let it go by the way side.

I enthusiastically offered (to his dismay) to be his fingers and type for him.

Now, this seems a simple solution at first glance....but the reality of this partnership will be a challenge for both of us I am sure.

First- Tracy has a rather...unique way of doing EVERYTHING.   That would of course include writing.
You see, it comes from his head to his hands to your heads.  There isn't this whole planning or practicing or testing or editing thing most writers do.  (Those of you who have seen Tracy compete in TKD tournaments will attest to the fact that most times he'd never even tried the breaks he won with until that day.  Does anyone smell fire???)

Second-Tracy is concerned that if he has to dictate to me it will interrupt "the flow".

Third-Then there is the whole- me gasping, then thwacking him then threatening him that will most assuredly go on since I will now know what he is writing before he hits that precious POST button.

Fourth-The fact that I can't spell even with spell check is of great concern to him as well.

Then the REAL thing-, one of the main reasons for Tracy starting this post was so that he could have time alone to ponder, express, vent, request, grieve, learn, laugh, share....
Yet another adjustment that will have to be made because of ALS.
But I always tell him - we are ONE.  He may feel alone at times but he is never truly alone, 

I post at this time on Tracy's blog as a disclaimer....

Should I become Ghost Fingers for ALS-What I can tell you- I, Mrs. Tracy Boettcher, will promise to do my best to allow Tracy the freedom to express himself freely- even if my tongue is bleeding from biting it.  All spelling mistakes are mine mine mine.   


  1. just don't edit,his rawness makes it him!

  2. Casper, If your fingers will keep the story flowing I say "YEA". When you publish this journey, I will be the first in line to buy it. Hint, hint. BTW.....It's a proven fact that when the normal person reads something, they don't notice spelling errors unless they are deliberately looking for them. So poo on that theory. As far as giving up some control and privacy to have literary freedom, if it's that important then you all will adjust. Miss you girl!

  3. Amy~ I agree with Jamet (sp!) the more O do not worry about typos, the more I can learn through them. Like the word "polotical" I mispelled once and then decided I likened the mistake as a happy accident. It is a polo match with no clear victor except someone taking credit for what the work the horse actually does. Anyway, Tracy is giving a voice to a disease that is rare enough it affects few, but symbolic enough that it speaks to us all, even as his actual voice is harder to understand. My best idea for the moment is to prepare a few loving solutions and do not focus on the millions of difficulties that we can easily imagine. But the imagination is an incredable tool when it can turn something on its head and a man who should sink like a rock can bounce on the surface in spite of gravity because the the love of friends, family, and community. Keep the love flowing. It is the only thing that truly matters. ~Doug
