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Monday, July 18, 2011

If I Get...............................

too clever with this thing, please shoot me down. Sometimes I smudge my sarcasm to the point where it barely resembles any message I am trying to get across in the narrative. There is a fine line between clever and convoluted and confusing and my ancient high school education fails to point out when I run astray. There is also a fine line between writing intelligently and writing because one thinks he's intelligent. While I'm no dummy, I could sit on the lap of most people I know and feel perfectly comfortable. So, don't assume I'm writing intelligently because I'm intelligent or I'm writing as if I'm intelligent, or as if I think I'm intelligent. I write because I NEED to write. I write because I want to tell you things, and I write because I want you to know I'm no dummy, but intelligent? I don't know. I know chimps are intelligent. (and they can't write)


  1. Hey dadda,
    This is the first chance I've had to be online for a while, but I'm really happy you've started a blog. It makes me feel like a part of things, even though I'm so far away. I love you, and I'll see you in five weeks.
    Big Hugs,
