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Saturday, July 30, 2011

A correction and descriptive clarification

In an earlier post I misspelled fasciculations. For this I am sorry. The primitive spell checker provided by this blog site didn't have the word..
By the way, fasciculations are described, and can be witnessed as muscle twitches; in my case, constant in my left arm and sporadic throughout my body. The little critters in my left arm, on a good (bad) day, are easily visible through a flannel shirt. I might even invest in a bikini-clad dancing girl tattoo just to be cool. She could be fat to begin with- as my arm gets skinny, so would she. (darkish humor).
A brief explanation of fasciculations: not all ALS clients are so privileged to have them. Described from my perspective, it's like having a thousand tiny demonic mice clamoring to exit my skin and disburse my being into the universe, leaving me a paralyzed husk (with a functioning brain) Too macabre? To me, too funny.
If any of you readers are curious enough to venture out to Tower Park in Peoria Heights Sat. Aug. 6 (Nick @ 9pm), I will be there to show off my twitching. It's not gross and it doesn't hurt. I promise. You can, for a dollar, touch my arm...............................

1 comment:

  1. Well, way to make a buck baby! As long as they are only touching your fasciculations...
