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Monday, April 20, 2015

More meditation

Meditation is nothing. I mean this in the most complimentary way. Achieving nothing is by far the most difficult thing I've ever done and duplicating such is proving to be even more difficult. I will continue my efforts at achieving nothing until nothing happens again. Today I almost achieved nothing, but something happened and screwed it all up.

Seriously, this is much ado about nothing, as it should be. The complications of life, added to the complexity of my symptoms do no less than camouflage the answers to my questions. If I'm to succeed at ridding myself of the monster in the room, I need not distraction. What better way to achieve that than by extracting every nonessential thought or idea and allow my mind to dwell upon the core of my problem, casting it out once and for all? The perfect installation of common (not so) sense here is Occam's Razor. Nothing is more simple than nothing.

I leave the conscious clutter intact in order to easily differentiate between my two minds. That way I'm able to identify which half a mind beckons.

As I meditate things are clear. I'm pursuing clarity. What better environment than that which contains nothing? None that I can't think of.

All joviality aside, this is a great revelatory moment for me. Much better than sucking down gallons of coconut oil every day (which I'm inclined to continue).

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