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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Follow up

Don't expect a miracle and you won't be disappointed. Rule to live by, indeed. Since my session? I'm not expecting a miracle, therefore I'm not disappointed. Voila!

Its apparent that I'm not yet completely on board with the mind thing. I've half a mind to.... I've half a mind. Herein lies my problem! My subconscious half has not returned from holiday. I'm swimming without limbs while others search abroad for the ever elusive prankster. He has most definitely left the premises with the intention of carrying on in the ways of a child free of parental bondage. Meanwhile, I am left with all the responsibility to function entirely on a cognitive level.

What is one to do without a subconscious? Where is mine?

Until my mind can recover its binary function, all I'm left with is a slant toward the practical. We know how poorly that has worked.

Existential thinking is not my forte. Perhaps I need to investigate. As soon as I find my subconscious I'll give him the Assignment.

I'm not feeling anything specifically different, but I'm more focused on what is good for me and what is bad. I'm planning on making my certainties clear. This development is significant.

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