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Friday, December 27, 2013

Very brief

Very brief. Alas, I am having difficulty. Its been my companion for some time now. Christmas was great. Me, not so. Caught a cold. Can't blow my nose. Tough to do anything. Look for Amy to write.


  1. So sorry to hear that Tracy. Our Christmas was great as well. My son came over incubating whatever blue funk from hell his wife was down with so now I am down with it. Yay me! Other than that, Dan got me a new Garmin and I gave him my old one. Now he can come find me easier. haha Yessss, I am THAT bad with navigation. I never learned N,S,E, and W and telling me to turn left at old man Sirus's corn shed has never done me well. I hope you are on the mend soon!

  2. So glad someone else gets lost even with a GARMIN! ahahahaa..a.a. Don't you hate when they say "go to yada yada" and then here is where to begin

    . Shoot if I could find which way to start out I wouldn't need the stupid thing!
