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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Back to sensibility

How about we set aside foolish things and get gritty about what ails me.
If my nose itches, unless Amy is nearby, I must weather the storm and hope for a brief downpour. Amy is there for me more often than should be humanly possible but the fact remains that I itch somewhere almost all the time. Try not touching your face for just one day. It's as difficult as eating a slice of white bread in fifteen seconds.
When I eat, my swallow reflex is so poor that literally every bite lodges half way down, requiring the next bite to push it south and take its place. A swig of some liquid clears the last morsel. This scared the shit out of me before I learned the system. No, I don't eat better now, I have simply developed a way to sidestep this particular problem.

I cannot say enough about how much my family means to me. I can't.
I can't write about my mom. I can't.
I can write about dying. I won't. Yet.
I can write about silly things. I have. I will.

There is so much to write about that hasn't occurred to me. I need to explore more than I have so far.
I must enjoy what I have rather than indulge in fantasy and other such bullshit, but we all know that ain't gonna happen.

In the end, or, in my case, near it, I will continue to play a game with y'all, with ALS and with myself (don't go there, it is far too frustrating) until I can't.

I expect to create a stir when I expound on my thoughts on religion, politics, faith (not to be confused with religion),  science......
You may be surprised by my take on various subjects, how some of my views have changed and how some have not. Keep in mind: I've had a hell'va lot more time than most to ponder this stuff these nearly three years living with ALS.

I consider myself an authority on what I know.

I am not impressed with much of anything any more. I am perplexed at all the advancements in engineering, architecture, even, maybe, medicine I witness as I die from a bug that has been famous for nearly a hundred years.

God save the Queen!  Maybe I should have been gay. Is it too late?


  1. Tracy- I follow all of your posts. You are one amazing person. I know you don't have anything to do with religion, and I understand completely. Religion is man made adjustments to what is no doubt in my mind, a true spiritual existence. I would be not honest with you unless I said the following. I am a pilot and we so believe in redundancy. I would rather live in ignorant bliss believing in Jesus Christ, and being wrong, than not believing in him and being right. I could say much more, but will return into my lurker shadows unless asked to say more. Stan Foster

  2. I like Stan's take on things. Also, I like your differentiation between faith and religion. Many don't get that.
