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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last of year

I'm still too sick to fabricate much of a post. Happy New Year. Thanks for allowing me to bitch throughout my last post. Incidentally, I have yet to hear back from Your Highness, assuming I'll hear from one of His loyal yet misdirected minions. Sorry, but I call it as I see it.
Guess what? As of 2010, there were 1.6 billion Muslims on earth and 2.2 billion Christians, non affiliated population amounts to the third largest group. Nearly half of all Christians are Catholic. Try and guess which group is rising the fastest? Religious unity does not exist. Faith and simple spirituality, however, seems to rise above religious dogma, sin, written contradiction, blame, judgment and condemnation, guilt and fear.
I'm not really spiritual, but I do have faith. Faith in the human spirit, certainly not to be confused with any kind of Holy Spirit. We can better help ourselves and each other by supporting faith in humankind and collective energy than to rely on unsubstantiated accounts of a third party, one that, if real, surely exists on a plane not of our imagination, but of something beyond such, leaving us to create a personification in our image ready and identifiable to allow us to grasp onto something we can understand. Likely that there is no conscience in creation, no intelligence in design and no design in evolution. Judging by all the shit going on in the world and the fact that Amy has a shit deal leads me to conclude that nobody really has a fucking clue.
I don't expect much response to this tirade. You can all chalk it up to my despondence and my disease. After all, forty one percent of ALSers become mentally impaired. Maybe I'm one of them.


  1. actually I agree with the part that 'nobody has a fucking clue'!!!! I don't. I don't agree with the part that 'Amy got a shit deal', you did!

  2. Happy new year, Tracy! We love you, tirades and all. God loves ya too
