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Monday, June 8, 2015


When I'm on, I'm on. These days I'm off. Literally off. Physically and mentally off. Until recently I've been able to set aside both inconveniences and write.

On July 7th I have an appointment with a gastro guy to discuss the probability of a feeding tube to be inserted through my flesh and into my stomach. Five minutes ago I found out that I've an appointment on Friday with a renowned pulmonary specialist. If things go right, this guy will help with my breathing and direct me to his network of specialists who, like him, work exclusively with neurological disorders that affect breathing and digestion. My neurologist, on Friday the 5th at clinic, recommended this guy and warned that the doctor was looking to retire and may hand me off to one of his newbys, who are competent but not him. The main guy only sees patients Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 5, but for some miracle is willing to see me this Friday at 10 am. If Dr. Heitzman, my neurologist, had anything to do with this, my assessment of him will change from lukewarm to piping hot. In fact, I'm already heating up in his favor, and so is Amy. He actually acknowledges much of what is the truth about ALS outside of typical medical dogmatic response. It is refreshing to know that my doctor sees his patients as other than statistical lab rats.

So, if I'm successful in my interview on Friday I may be able to breathe better and gain weight in the near future. At present I'm hovering around 140, fifty pounds off my ideal and sixty pounds off my previous walking around weight. Also eighty five pounds off my plumpness in November of 2011 after following my Peoria ALS nutritionist's advice to pack on the pounds with a high carb diet. Idiot.

Will I have a breathing apparatus? Likely. Will it be a vent? Not at the present time. Will I have a feeding tube? Only if I survive the surgery. Will I have this figured out before my trip to Peoria? Yes.

Thanks to you and your patience.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to hear it has come to this,my thoughts are with you every day
