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Sunday, June 2, 2013

A new day and Katie bar the door!

Today is Sunday, one of the best days I've had all year and you wanna know why? Because Friday night I spent 4 hours in the hospital getting poked and probed and monitored and stripped and x-rayed and questioned and I experienced exactly no anxiety or stress. It has come to me that a large part of illness is purely mental, self inflicted. The last time I visited the hospital my anxiety kept me there 4 days.
      Yesterday I stood on my own feet for 5 minutes. Don't expect more because its too boring. I guess the next step (haha) is to walk. I think I'll glug some water and jog to the bathroom.
      I can't wait to roll into Tower Park and show off my gadgets and my spirit.


  1. I can't wait to have you roll into Tower Park and just show off!

  2. if you keep going like this, I'm going to bring you a board to break!!!
