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Thursday, January 10, 2013

You or me

It won't take you long to realize I'm not tracy. This is my attempt to blackmail Tracy into blogging again.  I will misquote, missspell, and generally embarrass and irritate him until he is forced to get involved.   At this moment he is ramming my chair! Ahhhaaaa...  My plan Is working!


  1. where is Tracy?? where is Waldo? are they conspiring together???

    1. Waldo and Tracy are hand in hand skipping along picking flowers and their noses!!!
      Yep's gonna be like this. Gloves off buddy! Get to the Eye Gaze or
      I will start telling stories about how you.....

  2. How blessed you are to be loved. I have been abandoned by my whole family and almost all my friends, and yet I am so grateful to be alive. It's sad to read how many times you say words like "dying" and "dead" when you have so much love around you.
