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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sorry Folks- It's True

I hate to admit this but the saying You Are What You Eat is true.

Since Tracy left I have put on 10 lbs- none of it muscle.  I sleep way way more but am still tired in a totally different way than before.  I wake with my hands swollen as well as the rest of me.  Old injuries hurt again.  Old gut issue are beginning to resurface.  I now have a sore throat and headache.

Yes, grief is stressful.  Yes I have been partying and socializing.  Yes, I am indeed getting old (at a very fast rate).  Yes, the flu, colds, allergies are going around.

NONE of those is an excuse or reason or explanation of WHY I feel sick for the first time in a very long time.

The truth is ~ I am killing myself with kindness.  
When Tracy was around I fed him mostly organic foods, lots of coconut oil and olive oil,  added supplements, clean water and kept a scheduled eating pattern so this is what I ate often times too.  I massaged his feet with coconut oil or essential oils so I absorbed those too. I made sure he got fresh air and had things to look forward to.  I exercised him which meant I got exercise too.

Now I am "being nice to myself" by eating the yummy things people offer and taking time to relax-ish.  I am busy being busy so I pick at whatever is laying around many times instead of fixing a fresh meal that includes veggies.  Pretend food that is stored in boxes is cheap and doesn't rot so it's so handy to have on the shelf.  I might even go through a drive thru to pick something up with the grandboys (but honestly that very rarely happens- but it could).  I have had more hot chocolates and popcorn in the last month than in the last 2 years.  I snack late- rarely on a vegetables. I'm not being LAZY by not cooking, I am Relaxing because I "deserve it" I tell myself.

So- here is the cold hard truth.
You ARE what you EAT.

If you eat crap- you feel like crap.  If you eat live things that grow- you continue to live and grow.
If you throw potatoes in a drawer and 2 weeks later they still haven't sprouted long roots-Don't EAT them!  It means they have been poisoned with chemicals so bugs won't eat them- which means if you eat them you are eating poison.  Basic logic.

Most of our food, even the organic stuff, even the local stuff, looses much of it's nutrition by the time we get to eat it.  Supplements get bashed for just trying to sell you a product, when in the reality of our lives in the last 4 years, we have found that it is nearly impossible for rich retired intelligent dedicated foodies to get the proper nutrition daily much less those of us with health issues on a budget.  

Tracy was helped so incredibly by nutritional changes and supplements we were both astounded.  Tracy absolutely could not believe, WOULD NOT believe, in the beginning, that nutrition would play any part in healing ALS.  He changed his mind after experiencing for himself how many health issues were healed by changing his diet and adding the right nutrition.

Right now- I am being reminded of just how important that all is.  All the mumbo jumbo, new age, tree hugging, gym bunny rantings are true.
If you have a chronic health issue- suck it up Butter Cup.  Just TRY it for a couple weeks and pay close attention to how you feel if you go back to the OLD ways.

Today it's Chicken Bone Broth Soup, extra water with lemon and Juice Plus vitamins with a probiotic chaser.  You notice I just said for Today.  No big overwhelming promises that stop change.  Today I want to feel better.  Tomorrow I have to function well so I am focused on improving my health today.  One day at a time.  Will I eat junk again.  Yep.  Will I eat as much.  Nope.   KNOWING WHY I feel like poo gives me Control in my life.  Bad health doesn't just happen to the unlucky.  There is a system.  

I hope my journey helps flip a light on for some of you who have suffered with any lengthy health issues.  CHANGE what you eat and see what CHANGES for you.  Eat what grows.  Stop eating processed things that are dead.  

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