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Thursday, October 8, 2015

A note to my neurologist

Dr. Heitzman,

     Many things to address :

Is there any good news attached to the added revenue brought forth by last year's ice Bucket Challenge?

Is there any evidence to support the notion that liver malfunction is a primary culprit associated with the progress of ALS, or is it simply collateral damage?

Can you write a prescription for a cough assist device and the accompanying suction device?

What is the prescription for excess saliva?

A year ago you alluded to a possible connection between nutritional consumption and its effect on the progression of ALS. Does the theory have legs?

Do you believe that politics has hampered the progression of effective research in this country, and if so, do you recommend we search out alternative methods or foreign studies that circumvent pharmaceutical limitations?

If we wait for "the science" to prove or disprove alternative modalities, don't we severely limit scientific research by the very political limitations imposed upon the mainstream research options in America? We were informed by the ALS Association that no money collected from the ice Bucket Challenge would be allocated for research outside of the purview of the FDA. Is the FDA in control of dissemination of all funding for all approved research?

Do you have an opinion on cannabis oil?

What is the significance of recent news about a viral link to ALS?

Thank you

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