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Monday, August 17, 2015

Rant part one

Let me get on track with a subject that is always contentious in my environment: The culpability and intention of medical doctors.

The us vs them mentality is both foolish and self-fulfilling. It negates the credibility of an entire portion of the health community much as some doctors discard the holistic approach to health without so much as a glance at its contributions to well being. Both sides to this argument are missing the point of the discussion.

Lets first pick on the doctors. They are simply drug pushers. They are totally ignorant of anything remotely related to health. They are conspirators in a game of deception who want only to rule over and perpetuate the trafficking of legal narcotics through the continuation of disease simply for their and their supplier's profit. In short, they are all liars. The whole lot of 'em.

Sounds harsh? Try this. The doctors are dumb by the design of their education. They are bound by the Hippocratic Oath. The smart ones are all natural-paths or chiropractors. The nonsense of specialization in the medical field has splintered the core of healthcare by destroying the concept of general practition. Doctors know nothing about health. They only treat the symptoms of disease.

On the other hand : Holistic concepts don't require any burden of proof. No scientific method. No vetting process. Anybody with internet access can find something that supports their idea. Even those with no scientific education can create a website on chemical or biological effects. Anything goes on line. There are more charlatans than victims. The cure is as elusive as the truth. False dichotomies are more often used than people that know what they are. Think about that!

I'm in the middle on all of this crap.

While I'm not entirely on board with the conventional medical community, with its limited scope on practical remedies and utter dismissal of nutritional alternatives to high carbs and low protein, its disregard for mental health as a key in coping with the chronic atrocities of living with ALS..... To be continued.


  1. Don't think that I feel this way about the medical community. I do not. This is a demonstration of fringe elements.

  2. I dunno...I think you are on the spot here. Doctors don't spend time with their patients anymore. They shove a prescription in your face and push you out the door. Maybe it's society's fault for wanting a quick fix to life's problems. Maybe it's because health care pays so little to doctors that they have to use a conveyor belt mentality. No matter what, overall care suffers. After all this time you'd think doctors would have a better handle on ALS and how to treat it. Hang in there, buddy!

  3. I think you both are completely wrong! try blaming the damn insurance companies. they are playing God with the medications that my Doctor feels will help me the most. until the Government regulates them, they will squeeze every American dry!
