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Monday, February 17, 2014

What brain do YOU use?

What has become of analytical reasoning? Within the realm of scientific study it remains an imperative, yet outside we find it an obstruction to bias. Any confirmation of observable systems is discounted when in conflict with that which is unobservable, untrackable, even undocumentable. Proof through experimental process is often refuted by superstitious nay say.

Hi. I'm feeling great these last few days. Still have allergy problems.

I'm Sick, still. I don't care as much as of late. This is a good thing. Dwelling can give you bed sores. I'm more apt to actively enjoy my family. I'm having fun inflicting flesh wounds upon unsuspecting Facebook friends, leaching comments varying from loath to pity. I'm more interested in going on walks. I'm taking advantage of looking and listening to Amy. I love watching Bugs Bunny with Isaac. I'm catching up on House of Cards.

Don't mistake. I'm still Sick as Hell. I just choose to not let it consume me. ALS is simply not that strong.


  1. You may be sick of being sick but....mmm.... define "sick". Heart rate, blood pressure good. NO definable actual illnesses. No sores or tumors. No swelling. You have been kicked off home health care because you are TOO Healthy, they have nothing to do. What if they had diagnosed you with exhaustion? What if they said you need a year of relaxing and good nutrition and love. Sunlight, positive thinking, no stress, massages, detox. What if you are NO LONGER exhausted but you don't know you CAN walk and talk because they told you, you can't? How would you feel if "THEY" gave you the news that you are over it and now you just have to rebuild?

  2. There is a great mantra that I use when teaching folks whom are dealing with various addictions or sickness. "I am already happy, I am already healthy, I am free of suffering and I know peace" you don't need to "be" sick or "have" a disease. There is just a change in the fleshy sack that holds your soul this day. I would say that I miss you guys, but you can't miss folks who have left a mark on your heart. :)

  3. Tracy and Amy, I ALWAYS read your blog (while Todd remains on Facebook, which I abandoned in 2011...). Bugs Bunny is an excellent way to lift the spirits - I still watch Looney Toons, to my parents amuesment. Don't grow up, it just interferes with happiness. :) I am glad you two are away from the snow, as it is getting to be a wee bit much these days. It is going to flood here, tomorrow, as we have 10+ inches of snow on the ground and 1-1.5 inches of rain forecast. I predict that my basement will not be dry, but I remain hopeful. @Amy - hey, lady, have you done any more painting lately? Loved the Santas... Your friend, Cindy
