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Sunday, February 3, 2013

New eyegaze upgrade, new difficulties

 As I enjoyed an awesome birthday week in San Antonio, my Tobii communicator decided to upgrade its eye contact protocols and mouse interactions, requiring me to learn a new system. In the long run, i can see its superior efficiency saving time, but for now, I'll have to stumble once again, no small feat for a guy relegated to a wheelchair. My birthday celebration extended fore and aft of the actual date, January 30, culminating in an extreme case of over the topism, all of which I enjoyed immensely. Not the least of my favorite surprises was the sheer bulk of my birthday cards. Over 200 such correspondences cover three French doors here at home. Thanks to you all. I shall endeavor to maintain my surrealistic existence from afar, saving you from the puny reality of my physical presence.

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