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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's about time!

Let me list a few of the things I can't do:

I can't-

Scuba dive
Snow ski
Slalom behind a boat
Play Lacrosse
Play basketball
Play soccer
Type 60 words a minute
Ride a skateboard
Do a back handspring
Throw a baseball from 3rd to 1st
Do bills
Balance a checkbook
Write legibly

Don't feel bad, I couldn't do any of these before I got ALS

On a positive note:

I can-

Sit for extended periods of time
Move at 6 mph for 26 miles without breaking a sweat
Choke on demand
Lose a foot race to a snail- which has no feet
Brush my teeth with no hands
Eat with no hands
Drink with no hands
Pet a dog with my mind
Float face down- I used to sink, not an improvement, though
Speak on occasion, but not well
Lock down every muscle in my body- several times a day, more at night
Imitate thumper with either- or both- leg(s)
Cry and suffocate at the same time
Not walk
Not swim
Not jump
Still enjoy life, my family, my friends, sunshine, TV, movies, sex, a paddle fan, my awesome shower, my bidet, a functioning mind, the REAL power of hypnosis, the influence and power of love and empathy that I physically experience every day

As long as I have events I want to stick around for, I will stick around. Just this summer- boys' birthday party, family reunion, Nick and Paige in my back yard, Amy's birthday, our 35th anniversary, Peoria and Tower Park................. I realize that life goes on, with or without me. I'd rather not miss anything. I'm like that.


  1. And I'm glad we could enjoy some of the ride with you Tracy. It was really, really good seeing ya'll this past weekend. Nick and Paige were great as usual.

  2. Along those same lines...the thought that popped in my can love and be loved:)
