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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Think, Tracy, think, you idiot!

What on earth keeps me writing this blog? I read back, and for the life of me I can't figure out the sense in continuing the thread. I find a patchwork quilt of uninspired ramblings that don't come close to identifying my situation as it is. I make shit up off the cuff because I find it easy, occasionally blundering into some claptrap that actually makes sense. This only proves that if you dig through enough poop you're bound to find some coin.

I'm now committed to more forethought and consideration before I vomit words and phrases from my brain to my eyes to the pages of this blog.

I say, good luck with that, Tracy. Good luck changing your modus operendi. Good luck trying to be smart instead of clever. Good luck trying to be attractive rather than an attraction. Good luck trying to be anything better than smarmy. Good luck trying to be sincerely devoid of sarcasm.

If I succeed in transforming myself into that which I am not, I will have made my own rebirth a reality. Even though I can't remember my first excursion through the birth canal, I'm fairly certain of two things : It wasn't pleasant and I don't care to take the journey again. As a result of this sentiment, I'll not be changing myself after all, thus making this post even less relevant than most of the others. If you want me in my right mind, go back a couple years in the archives. Otherwise, tolerate what is left. (play on words)

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad to hear you won't be changing your writing style because your candid, unfiltered blog entries are what keep me reading :) your personality shines through and it makes me feel like i know you!
