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Monday, April 18, 2016

My Frustration

Meet Steve Shackel.

I've been chatting with him recently about how to fund the movie and book which includes his story of healing his ALS.

Steve is ANOTHER one of those people that Doctors assured me didn't exist. They knew nothing about him and didn't care to hear about him or his ALS journey.  IF he did heal himself of ALS They said (which they doubt even tho their own medical doctors diagnosed him more than once) it had nothing to do with the TRUTH as they tell it. The doctors don't want to spread FALSE HOPES! God forbid! There is NO PROOF they love to say to me.

How horrible to let someone be hopeful or happy AFTER diagnosis of ALS.  Unthinkable!
How CRUEL I was, I was told repeatedly through our journey, to remain in denial of our doom.
It was shameful and obsessive of me they said to "ignore the facts" of the situation.

Had these same doctors spent their time ENCOURAGING US instead of reassuring us we were DEAD from the day of diagnosis I wonder what would have happened.

I bring this up because so much of what Steve says matches our journey.  So very similar to Kim Cherry who also healed his ALS and has now been officially documented as an ALS reversal by the medical world. 

I am so frustrated that the world seems completely HAPPY to give MILLIONS of dollars for RESEARCH for a DRUG which by definition must have a negative side effect because it's not natural to the body according to what the Pain Management doctor explained to me, while IGNORING live breathing, functioning people who have ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED healing ALS.  

To spend YEARS arguing  and being shamed by doctors as they ignored the damage they inflicted on us repeatedly and then be surrounded by those who successfully battled the SAME situation knowing what is going to happen to most of those being diagnosed every single day because NO ONE wants to bother to stand up and make the changes is beyond frustrating and so sad for me.

I am not spouting CURES and MIRACLES.  I am saying Stress if bad for a nerve disorder.  Nutrition is good for everyone. Those following HEALTH minded living have successfully REVERSED ALS SYMPTOMS.  

How do we get the news to take notice?  How do we get some company that needs a financial write off anyway to pick US to invest in?  Who needs to suppress this information?  Who will lose by the truth being told?


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