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Wednesday, April 20, 2016


So remember the story I wrote last week about the gal wearing a pin that matched my necklace and the wrap she was wearing made from the EXACT SAME fabric as Tracy's Hand Pillow he used every day so I thought it was a sign he was still around and trying to give me messages?

Well- the story continues with....
a psychic pal of mine told me Tracy was going to prank the family several times in the near future.
(back story is over the years we had some MAJOR Prank wars in our household).

Yesterday my daughter comes racing in yelling MOM!! Hurry, hurry, come quick!!  (so not like her at all).  I race thru the house after her to their bathroom where she says- quick- peek in!!!!

I look at Alex, our 8 year old grandson, who is laying on the floor outside the tub with the shower curtain under and over him, with his legs hanging out!!!  Sarah and I burst into gales of laughter- upsetting our grandson greatly who had fallen out of the tub reaching for something and was still suffering on the floor, cold and wet and hurt.

THIS EXACT SCENE was a favorite story of mine about Tracy.

Now, you have to understand first that Tracy put up with a LOT of crap from me.  A LOT.  He did deserve most of it but he usually had a pretty good sense of humor about things.  He was a super duper tough guy and never whined about cuts or bruises or crashes or gashes or lighting himself on fire.  So it took a LOT to make him mad.
My reaction to THIS really did honk him off!

So to set the scene- I have no idea what year- I would guess it's the early 90's because he had not redone our bathroom yet.  It was so small ( I hear Johnny Carson's How Small was it) that we actually couldn't open the cabinet door because it hit the toilet.  There was only enough room between the toilet and the tub for a plunger, not even a small garbage can.  We had a shower curtain on a rod back then and a second one that was decorative (like the Walmart Sunflower curtain tied with dime store ribbon was going to distract from the horrible electric blue wall paint Tracy picked out).

This matters for visual effect.

So I am doing whatever I did back then and I hear a weird noise from the bathroom. Then again I hear a muffled strange sound.  I knock on the door and say- honey? No answer just weird noises.

I open the door to see Tracy stuffed on the floor, stuck like a turtle on his back between the tub and cabinet, with both shower curtains draped under him and over him and his legs over the edge of the tub kicking away while the shower head sprays water like a fountain out of the shower all over him.
After a second or two of taking in the sites I begin to unearth him from the wet rubble while laughing hysterically.  Surprisingly Tracy saw absolutely NO humor in the situation but couldn't yell at me for my lack of consideration and understanding of the danger of the situation until much later because he had knocked the wind out of himself which is why he didn't holler for help.

He lost his balance and fell out of the tub hitting his back on the toilet.  As he launched himself out of the tub he did a windmill with his arms knocking the shower head to the perfect angle to water him as he lay helpless on his back.

The site of him in his birthday suit, with the exception of his head which was covered by the shower curtains, being watered while he kicked like a wind up toy has been the source of many many smiles over the years.

When I peeked in and saw Alex it was an instant flashback.
Tracy may not be HERE but he isn't gone either.

He always could make me laugh.

Nice one babe.

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