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Friday, March 27, 2015

Shit be flyin'

My original intention was to lay out all that is wrong about me, all that is failing. The easiest action to administer is complaint. When I'm miserable, which is most of the time, I'm able to extract venom from my every wound. I figuratively bite down, suck and spit. The annoyance, already a festered, gluey concoction, lands on my blog and infects the lot of you with typographical clarity. You ingest my words and try to imagine my pain.

What good is that shit? For me, for you, for anybody?

Don't let me fool you. Given any setback, I'm likely to again bite, suck and spit. For today it seems like a lame ass idea.

Why? Because tomorrow night I will engage with a Mesmerism/magnetism expert in Belgium via Skype.

I have total faith in the process.

One of my prerequisites is to open my mind and expel all negative thoughts through my crown chakra. Beyond that, I'm going silent.

If you are open minded, please throw your energy my way, and I'll catch it. Only unrestricted energy, please.

This is for real. I'm only receiving positive thoughts. What would I need of anything else? I'm consumed with the bad. Time for "In with the good".

Steer clear of the top of my head. Shit be flyin'.

1 comment:

  1. You have mine Tracy. Go for it. Time to get consumed with the good..........nothing good comes from the "dark side'", anyway.

