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Monday, August 27, 2012

Hello again

I find myself avoiding my eye gaze, frustrated at myself mostly,  impatient and dissatisfied with my progress. Let that be my problem to solve. While I'm less than adept at the practice of typing with my eyeballs, I am now certainly (in my own feeble mind) an expert at sitting on my ass. So, what does a guy do when he can't walk, talk, feed himself, dress himself, groom himself, or scratch his own nose?? He gazes. That's it. So I continue on.  After all, in my life as I experience it these days is a desperate place where takeaways are a dime a dozen, any new talent is a welcome addition.


  1. Tracy, it's just like anything else. Were you breaking boards the first month or so after you started martial arts? NO!! I'm absolutely certain you will get it down. Stop whining and start "gazing"!

  2. Hello again from me:) I just wanted to stop by, say hey, and encourage you today. Don't know if you know Sarah Ezekiel, but she uses the system to paint. You will have it down in no time:) ~ Judy

  3. make this your next black belt test.go through our patterns in your mind then try the device.start small,like Taeguk one,then maybe Palgwe two,and apply that to your 'gaze'. just one sentence then soon your will not be able to shut up.
