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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Austin and Master Co

Yesterday Amy and I returned from Austin after a couple nights of adventure that included two visits with Prantic healer Master Co. Prantic healing finds itself under the umbrella of Qi'gong, an ancient Eastern healing philosophy and practice. 

Please google Master Co.  It's easier for you to do this than for me to go into details about his practice.

Normally, Master Co does not perform healings at his seminars, but in my case (I think my high-tech chair drew his attention) he performed a healing on me each night, lasting 15-20 minutes. He focused on my right arm and produced noticeable results as my arm was pain-free when lifted.  Amy is especially excited because now she can scrub my right pit without me squishing her hand. 

Today I can still raise my arm (with help) higher than I have been able to for the last several months. 

Master Co did not charge us a dime for the healings. He also asked that we email him a picture of me so that he can continue healings from home (California). 

A funny segue.  I find it strange that my hands, largely useless, are transforming into frog paws. My fingers, especially on my left hand, are rarely apart and never see the light of day. The sides of my fingers are lily-white and mushroom gray. When Amy washes my hands she comes across a dusty, dandruff of dry skin.  If my hands were active, the activity would have shed the skin like everywhere else on my body. I need to start checking other areas of inactivity for fallout.  If it weren't for Amy, I would be a non-walking, poor-talking shed machine. I thank God we have a good shower and a good showerer in my wife. I'm probably cleaner by her efforts than I ever was during my previous life. 

If you think I'm doing this on my eyegaze computer, I am (NOT). That is still a work in progress. I have determined that as long as I can speak well enough for Rachel to type, I will continue this modality as I practice on the eyegaze. 


  1. I'm glad to hear you're finding new sources of strength and inspiration. Incidentally, I was halfway through reading this blog post when I realized that "Master Co" is not the name of a company.

  2. Are you taking the Rilutek correctly? I have been taking it since Feb of 2004, and have never had a problem with it. You are supposed to wait for 2 hours after eating to take Rilutek, and then you have to wait an hour after taking it to eat anything. I wake about 6-7am and I eat breakfast. Then I take my Rilutek at 9am and eat lunch about 11. In the evening, I make sure I am finished eating dinner by 6pm and then I take my Rilutek at 8pm and then have a snack about 9 or 9:30. You have to follow these directions so you can take the Rilutek on an empty stomach. Otherwise it will react with the food and cause nausea and indigestion.

  3. I was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) when I was 46 years old 2 years ago. The Rilutek (riluzole) did very little to help. The medical team did even less. My decline was rapid and devastating. my arms weakened first, then my hands and legs. Last year, a family friend told me about DOCTOR JAMES Herbal mix medicine and his effectiveness in treating l ALS , I contacted him. and ordered for his herbal mix medicine, i was happy to report the treatment effectively treated and reversed my Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), most of the symptoms stopped, i was  able to walk and eat well, sleep well and exercise regularly., i'm  pretty active now and my attitude is extremely positive.i joyfully recommend you to DR.JAMES  because health is wealth this is a very bad experience with those living with ALS  or any other diseases like Shingle,schizophrenia,Bipolar, Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Cancer,Scoliosis,Bladder Cancer,Colorectal Cancer,Breast Cancer,Kidney Cancer,Leukemia,Lung Cancer,Skin Cancer,Uterine Cancer,Prostate Cancer,Fibromyalgia,a
    Syndrome Fibrodysplasia ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease, Diabetes ,Coeliac disease, Angiopathy, Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpes,Inflammatory bowel disease ,Copd,Diabetes  please do not hesitate to contact him on his Email 
