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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ice bucket and other things

Our little video contribution to the viral ice bucket challenge isn't likely to follow into viral land, but we hope it helps to put our appreciation out there. In my opinion, if this challenge had never existed, and a simple plea to donate to ALS research had been released instead, that people would dismiss the plea as generic and common, thus garnering nearly no attention and little money. The imagination of the creators of the challenge have proven the power of creativity of a concept in fact brings people together for a cause rather than relying on individual donations devoid of unification for a cause. The last sentence is a structural nightmare, but I'm not changing it because, despite it's crappiness, it gets my point across just fine. The grammar police can lift me out of this chair and kiss my boney ass. Only those who ignore content really give a shit and by their own reaction they are missing my more relevant message I'm trying to deliver, whatever that is.

To and for Rachel : I never use run on sentences. The sentence is designed to be short. Like good poetry. Yep. Dogs with short tails carry less crap. A short Beard is less apt to carry critters. Short is good. That being established, I say:

If, in the minds of intelligentsia around the globe, a single thought or consideration, proposal, belief or hypothesis were to be found as universally agreed upon, without room or cause for prejudice, bias amongst all the souls of earth, inherently neither good nor evil, most obviously faith neutral, binding all humans to its perfect storm of reason, a cultivation of common structure compatible with all forms of neural anomalies, agreeable to even the most demented, palatable to the most callus of arbitrarians, the most scholarly scholars, the megalomaniac of megalomaniacs, the most egocentric egos, the narcissistic, the em-paths, the Atheists, the agnostics, the theists of all kinds, it would have to be the last day for our civilization as we know it, and the first day of a new age.

Whoa! Wasn't that an exercise in excess? The sorry truth is that my mind has always been at home with such calamities of thought. Sometimes (not nearly always), I try to keep my metaphorical peculiarities and awkward vocabulary choices in check so as to not render my readers befuddled at my befuddlery. Even so, I love everything conceptually and structurally wrong, imagining all the red ink adorning my assignments if I ever went back to school and turned this shit in. I'm sure I know what I mean, and its the teacher's educational job to figure out what that is. I'm sure I would be one lousy student.

Sure. The word above used too often. Read anything. A pattern always emerges. The words of description repeat themselves. Sometimes the effort to diversify turns things to crap. Spontaneity works best for me. I never rewrite anything and I rarely shitcan something I've started. Whatever comes out makes the cut. Poor you.



    Love you dadda, and you run-on mind! Copy and paste the above link if you want to see his ice bucket challenge!

  2. My brain hurts. Can you please limit your next post to words with three or fewer syllables? Thanks in advance.
