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Friday, August 8, 2014

Back home post

We're back from vacation and I'm ready for the next. Maybe New Mexico. Maybe the Tesla plant in northern California. If I were in failing health, these trips would not be possible. By most accounts, I should be home bound, have a feeding tube, be incontinent, get sponge baths, drink thickened liquid, suck down pureed food, night air volume aid, have bed sores, suffer from swollen feet, have leg flaccidity, drool uncontrollably, be considering being vented and preparing to succumb.

I'm not controlled by any of this shit. None of the above applies to me. If I drool, it is because I want to drool, usually down Amy's back as she helps me to stand or as she gets undressed or while eating kimchi or sushi.

The world needs to be a smaller place because I want to see it all.

I plan to write more. You plan to read it. I intend to become your pastime.


  1. you already are my pastime. I liked the comment 'drooling while watching!"

  2. I'll be drooling while watching for your next post!
