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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bitch session

Anxiety and psychological stresses accompany ALS, though my doctors fail to address the significance of such horrifying symptoms. On occasion I've been asked if I was depressed, suicidal, even the dreaded "sad", to which I replied "depressed yes, suicidal can't, sad what do you think? ".

Mental health is required for health.
Treatment for mental disorder resulting from physical derailment is not covered by Medicare.
In order to heal, I must first relieve myself of all sense of fear, doubt, anger, angst, sadness, resignation........... All without professional help........... Only to be reminded that medical science has, for eighty years, failed to solve the riddle of the disease that has made all this possible for me.

Medical drug technology has left the building of common sense and entered the world of political corporate infighting, as I wait, none too patiently, for a breakthrough that may be another eighty years down the highway.

Believe it. Life is tough when you combat the creepy/crawly sensation of ALS, all the while resisting the effects of unnatural emotional stress.

You might ask : what is the proceedure for suicidal ALS patients? I can't get a straight answer. They apparently have no idea how to help me when they see me as a lost cause. Their effort is as pitiful as their pity.

Don't mistake my messages for heroics. I'm no hero. I'm just an unlucky jamoke who drew the short stick and isn't afraid to bitch about it.

I love you all.


  1. you know how I feel! your trials and tribulations with this bullshit is so unfair! we have many people I know that would have just said 'who gives a shit?', including myself. instead you set the standard for using your mind to fight back when your body cannot. nuff said!

  2. Whew! At first I thought you were going to rant about ME!!!! ahahahhaaa.a.a..a
    It's about time you realized how crazy this whole situation is and join me on my soap box.
    World- look around. Really Look. Insurance only pays for Medicine. Nothing about HEALTH. No supplements, or massage or counseling or emotional therapy or nutrition....
    As far as the stupid dumb ass questions doctors are required to ask- I am starting to lose my patience and may just answer them what I am thinking instead of what they want me to say.
    I did tell them once that since they KNOW Tracy can't move what they were really asking is was I homicidal. That made them a bit uncomfortable and I laughed right at them and enjoyed it.
    Anyone out there know what they would do if we said YES! He IS suicidal? Would they finally give us the help that I have begged for since we were diagnosed??? Talk about CRAZY! They all need mental help!
