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Monday, June 22, 2015

Road to insanity

I'm out of ideas. The discomfort I'm feeling is only eclipsed by the pain that comes and goes like a cowardly harbinger of death continuously missing the mark of the Assignment. I'm simply the butt of a perilously close example of failed accomplishment, teetering on the brink of dumb luck success. Of this I am sure to be worthy in as much as a victim of his own circumstance can muster. I'm not saying more than is implied by my actions. I piss off the pious by not resigning everything to the mercy of God. I alienate those who bring alternative remedies too far fetched for my knockwurst brain to accept. I anger those who think I fail with intention to comprehend the mind/body experience.

The things that go through my mind are pathetic when compared to the entity that has infiltrated my body. I've largely failed to successfully render the key to unlock my debacle. If for some reason I were lucky enough to open the door it would likely kill my ass on the way out.

If you think I'm losing it you would be correct.


  1. i can only begin to try to understand your futility. i always thought my brain in all its majesty could solve any crisis either actual or perceived. i am wrong.

  2. You aren't losing it, I think you're too hard on yourself. Based on your blog entries, I find you to be a brilliant, brave and wonderful man.

  3. I am about to have my third endoscopic PEG tube installation since 2005 and I can tell you that a prescription dose of Omeprazole or a double dose of OTC Prilosec or Zantac does the job with the pain of stomach acid. Remember to flush the tube with water after every feeding and flush with Coca Cola every week to prevent clogging
