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Thursday, February 13, 2014

What the......

Less people are reading this blog. At the very least it has been relegated to last month's Playboy Magazine status: back burner softcore, yesterday's shocker, today's PG13.
I've spent my dime bag of words. I'm looking to score. Anybody sellin'?

I remain, woefully depleted, of course, yours.

But I digress. Wait, that's all I do! If I'm a professional at digression, its called Progression! Yeah!

Thus, I progress.



  1. I read it Tracy! I don't know if you remember me but I was a friend of Tammy's years ago when you lived in Pierson Hills. I am inspired by your courage and by the love in your family. I wish you all peace and strength.

  2. I 'see' , only through your 'eyes'

  3. Time to hash out your new insights instead of rehashing????

  4. Tracy........Don't say EVERYBODY has stopped! That sounds like a little boo hoo to me.
