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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Epic part two

I missed a bunch of memories from early childhood.

I remember :

eating so much watermelon that my tummy distended and the overfill ran down my face and stuck my shirt to my neck walking the half mile to Ruthy's farm to play in the hayloft and look at the cows
watching at least two of our dogs get killed while chasing cars traveling along the gravel road in front of our house making a fort at the juncture of two old fences
lying flat, face up in our clover field under the midday sunshine
spitting on everything
peeing outside all day long
inhaling the smell of fresh washed sheets hanging on the clothesline
never visiting dad at work
the old rusty backhoe or crane outside my cousin's living room window
the smell of goats at my cousin's house
endless Pepsi at my cousin's house
chickens at the Brennan's house next door
the babysitter always saying "keen"

I don't remember :

birthday parties
riding a bike
owning a bike
having a slingshot
shooting a bb gun
being cold
being hot
being scared
being lost
being bored
being sad
being lonely
being mad

All in all, a pretty cool early childhood. From the middle of third grade on, everything changed. My life would become a living emotional roller coaster of which there was no end.

Good? Bad? Character building? Whether any of these questions can be answered is still up for debate. Let you be the judge. I'm too close to the situation to be objective.

Expect a continuation of my life's memories ad nauseum. I will pick up in Minnesota. Stay tuned.


  1. ??? You remember riding a bike and crashing into a car and flipping it. You remember getting hit by a car and having your bike crumpled. You had a bike your parents sold when you moved.

  2. That happened in California, later in life. Only had a tricycle in wonder Lake. I got hit by a car in Chicago
