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Friday, September 13, 2013

Still me

What is relevant? What is really important?
I'm still aware of my appearance, more concerned than before, primarily because I no longer control it. I have full confidence in Amy's judgement and taste yet I cannot hide all my frailties and diminishments, my boney arms, my distention, my lazy right eye, my ever present mode of transportation.......
Vanity still thrives within me. I consider it a bastion of hope, a sign that I am still in the fight to regain myself. I see it as a goal to again capture my former self, along with my imperfections.
I have travelled while impaired. I can rate a dozen states on their ADA compliance. I have been to California by car, to Peoria, Cleveland and everywhere in between. In November I will drive to Arizona, January maybe Memphis, maybe Las Vegas, who knows what I will see, who I will meet?
So, how I look is important. To me. That is why I have grown this gnarly beard and long bleached to death hair. In my mind I am still me, indestructible and cool. Shock and awe baby, shock and awe!

1 comment:

  1. Tracy, Your appearance the last time we all saw you was, "Huh, that's different". To see you show up with shoulder length bleached dreadlocks, a long beard that's braided, and ZZ Topp sunglasses would truly be shock and awe! In addition to the undercarriage lights on your chair= Priceless! Double dog dare you! haha
