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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Something I need to share

To tell the truth, I have grown (groan) weary of finding different ways to detail my difficulties with ALS, having skinned the cat in every way imaginable. Today I feel I need to share something that is happening to me that may or may not be related to Gehrig's. I haven't found any accounts similar to this yet, but I'm still looking. Amy doesn't really want me to share this, but has agreed in the hope that someone reading might have heard of it. The doctors have not identified it and feel my stint in the hospital with an unidentifiable bacterial infection might be related. At the hospital they guessed that I might have had sepsis. In fact, they were clueless. I'm just going to tell you what I see and how I feel. On my stomach, close to my left side, I developed a rash last month that has since grown to the size of a pancake. It reminds me of the rash I had when I got Lyme's disease years ago. It doesn't itch or burn, but it somehow feels alive. It doesn't visibly move, but it feels like its crawling inside me. If that were all, I would think it was just the ALS fasciculations. Recently, since I got home from the hospital, the rash has begun to raise, to become dimensional, and in two spots near the center, tiny protrusions have developed. This may sound crazy but they seem to be growing like plants!  They actually move back and forth and pulsate. They are about an inch tall today. I don't feel any pain, but if Amy touches them, it feels like she's touching my fingers! We called my doctor about it, but she didn't see it as an emergency since I feel fine and she'd seen the rash a few days ago, so my appointment isn't until next Tuesday. When she saw the rash, it was just that, a rash. Amy didn't know how to describe the little appendages to the assistant so she just told her it was getting worse, even with the powder that was prescribed. Meanwhile, we continue to powder the area. I have to keep a rolled up towel under my shirt, tenting it up so as to keep from irritating the raised fingerlike growths. I'm also really worried about the development of a smaller rash on my left calf and just below my neck on my collarbone. My tongue feels really thick but I think that's something else. If you have any ideas, let me know, thanks.  Oh, one last thing, don't believe everything you read on the internet!


  1. UGHGHGHG! Tracy Dale Boettcher~ NOT FUNNY! If you haven't figured it out Tracy is full of Doggy Dootie!!! He has a horrible warped sense of humor and it's not the ALS!!! He's always been an A#@!!
    He has no growth turning into little people hands coming out of his stomach but if he keeps being a Jack A## he may start growing ears and a tail and we will call him Pinocchio!

  2. maybe you should see Dr. Laurie Chapin-Russell, I bet she can fix you!

  3. Dennis! Haha haha haha hardy hhaarhar! Hey! I wonder if she reads my posts? Oh, well. I sure miss you man. Hell, I miss everything.

  4. Tracy, I think that was a clue when you said that you were starting another rash on your calf, just below your neck on your collarbone! That would be one big rash. Maybe Amy can just tell people you're getting handsy!
