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Saturday, May 5, 2012


Spasmicity. This is the proper term for a particular phenomenon found on the road traveled in my ALS  wagon. When spasmicity occurs, say, in my legs, it is impossible for me or anyone else to bend them, to pry them apart or even to move my ankles. There are only two ways to relieve the tension: Ride it out or manually uncurl the fingers on my left hand. Peculiar as it is, this "unclenching" releases stress throughout my entire body. 

Yesterday I received a splint designed to keep my fingers straight. I am still searching for a tongue splint to keep my speech straight.


  1. Thank you Brian, for the correct spelling of spasmicity- duly noted and corrected. Spell check needs a bigger vocabulary.

  2. Hi, I'm Amy, Tracy's wife. Where are you from? How did you find his blog? Do you have ALS?

  3. Tomato, tomatoe. I'm just glad to hear from you. I promise I won't sit down with my dictionary when I read your blog. LOVED the pics by the way. You still look like you, even with a spiffy ski jacket. Good thing because Brad Pitt is hard to replicate. That jacket would probably come in handy here at home right now. It's been raining just about every day for the last week and a half. I put in my request to Noah that I want the Ark with the jacuzzi on board. Turn-down service would be great too, but I'm not picky. Have a great day Tracy!

  4. just don't speak with a 'forked tongue'?
