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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Who? Huh?

Who reads this? Reveal yourselves, minions! Do it! Expose your motivation! Offer up a sacrifice. Please. You don't have to use your real name. I am Zoltar the Mede of Panza. Who are you?


  1. Ha! I know who you REALLY are! Bozo of Dallas! ha! Now the world knows.....eehehehehee.... And of course I am Positively Pollyanna- Queen of my Queendom where love and light and giggles and glitter abound.

  2. Tracy, I have read every blog you've posted for at least the last year. It was good seeing you this summer at the Tower Park show. I didn't want to bother you, since you were surrounded with family and close friends - but know I was happy to see you there enjoying Nick's show!!

    Graeme Brown

  3. I sure as hell am a reader and believer.

  4. Same here as Graeme. I read every post wherever I am in the world. I am pretty much off Facebook though so please keep sending the emails. Later brotha

  5. HA! Amy...You are anything but a Pollyanna. More of a Queen Latifa! Diva to the end. Tracy, You are truly the King of Dorkdom. I have a vision of you in my head right now, wearing a Batman cape and a dark mask. haha
