I keep trying my best to not get OVERLY involved in this healing stuff.
I resist the best I can to stay off my tufted, striped, tasseled, glittered soap box about our journey through the ALS nightmare.
But then just when I think I have a chance of making it back to some sort of a balanced normal life something like THIS shows up and I am thrown back into the whirlwind of memories and emotions.
I hope you watch this video.
This is video is Good news.
GREAT news actually.
Dr. Bedlack is a doctor who has been researching outside the box to find ways to heal ALS.
He is a well respected doctor inside and outside the standard medical community.
He speaks of new developments in gene recognition associated to ALS.
He mentions being aware of at least 24 documented cases of ALS reversals,
at least several of which are people I have become acquainted with and who helped us heal many problems in many ways.
He mentions Lunasin by Reliv which we have in our home at this very moment that Tracy did take.
He talks about the fact that those with ALS don't really die of ALS.
They die of complications due to immobility.
He talks about being on a vent as an option that most ALSers don't take because of their perception of lack of quality of life but they COULD increase their life expectancy if they chose that path.
He gives credit to the Ice Bucket Challenge for providing financial resources that have allowed some ground breaking new discoveries that may allow a CURE for ALS.
Here is a REAL medical doctor validating all the things
that I discovered on my own so why am I upset?
I am upset because we lost our battle with ALS.
But did we have to?
We lost it because doctors told Tracy and I repeatedly from the moment of diagnosis-
Do NOT TRY to heal.
They shamed me through our whole journey and told me "I was cruel to for dragging him thru this".
They told me that I was "in Denial" and "Obsessing" more than a few times when I tried to ask questions about health and negative side effects of drugs they forced on him.
The flatly refused to even discuss the health ideas those who HAVE reversed their ALS symptoms used.
When we DID heal symptoms they told us were impossible to heal, they completely ignored our success.
They refused to "do anything extreme" to relieve Tracy's congestion due to pneumonia because they told us "there was no hope of him having any quality of life and he wasn't going to get any better".
And again- I was being cruel to continue to ignore the truth of the situation.
The truth is - Tracy had no interest in living as a quadriplegic. He was done fighting every single minute of every day believing he had NO chance at a real life.
Would it have been a different story had they, at diagnosis, kept their lecturing and close minded opinions to themselves?
What would have happened if they had acted surprised and pleased when we stopped spasms, returned his blood pressure and heart rate to normal, returned to Pre Diabetic health by diet change and stopping meds?
What would have happened if they had actually looked up any of the people I told them I was talking to that had healed their ALS?
And on and on and on.....
But Tracy is gone so what difference does it make now.
It matters because I wasn't wrong.
I wasn't crazy.
I wasn't just ignoring the hard reality of the diagnosis.
I am not just an overwrought, emotional widow, bitter because I didn't get the fairy tale ending I wanted.
We were lied to and mislead over and over again.
Tracy suffered absolutely unnecessarily on many occasions.
He was given meds that were harmful after we repeatedly told them they were causing problems.
We were given very harmful medical advice that was just ridiculously wrong.
Over and over again we had to take our health out of the hands of the doctors due to the harm they caused and covertly use natural methods to heal the damage they caused.
But...he is gone so what is the point?
The point is every single day new families are devastated by the diagnosis of ALS.
They are told in horrific torturous ways a doctor's reality of the situation that is created by their choices on many levels. They are asked repeatedly to sign a DNR from the minute they are diagnosed.
They are told "there is NO evidence" that anything can help.
They ARE NOT told that the drugs that are shoveled at them CAUSE many many problems that we are all told are symptoms of ALS.
How do I ignore these facts when we experienced them ourselves?
Knowing how much it helped us to have the HealingALS.org people CARE about our struggles allowed us to LIVE each day instead of DYING each day as we were instructed to do.
Why can a doctor say- here is a group of people who have REVERSED their symptoms by means that have NOTHING TO DO with the money from the Ice Bucket Challenge and NO ONE will donate a nickle to the people WHO HAVE ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED HEALING ALS?
Was I cruel to drag out Tracy's life so he could know his grand children and for them to know him?
Was I selfish for wanting him with me even if he was in a rolling chair?
But what if..... What if we had known at diagnosis all I know now?
How can I NOT want to share that with those entering this nightmare?
I might need to get a bigger soap box.