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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

More worthless than most

Egad! I can't believe so many people read what I write! Could it be possible that beneath all the reticulating verbiage lies even one modicum of message? Is there any sense left that doesn't require a barrage of written masturbation upon which to ride to the forefront of reason and understanding?
    How should I know? It's not like I can talk with my hands!

           I will try.

      There. Did you get that?

The simple fact is that its been so long since I could carry on a conversation that I have lost all spontaneity. My words have been processed through brain matter cheesecloth so many times that the end result portrays a jumbling gumbo of cheezwhiz chucking inconclusive malarkey.
See what I mean?
The world is my oyster and I can't pick it up.
Also: I am the walrus (coo coo kee choo).
I've got a long way to go to be THAT nuts!


  1. Lost all Spontaneity??? At 4 am who said rigamortis had set in when I had a hard time turning you over?

  2. That must be some pretty damn good cheesecloth! I find that if I read some of your posts really, really fast the hidden message comes to light through all the coo coo kee choo. Kind of like those pictures that are blurred and when you relax your eyes just enough a hidden picture comes through. Yeaaaa, just like that! haha I hope ya'lls Turkey Day was spectacular!

  3. Am I the only one that read your hand message? Really? No one else?!?
